Sunday, 26 October 2014

Skype call 2

In this skype call we had a new addition the group, Nicholas, or nick, as his original idea was similar to ours. So combining yet another idea into the soup of delicious ideas we adapted the new preferred scavenger idea so we had more of a project or idea to stand behind and get nick up to speed with what was going on.

We started off with a small scavenger hunt based in or around Farnham for students and families to join and complete the tasks when they please. When challenges are completed we send them a QR code, linking them to a hint for the next task in their path. The QR code hints will historical as well as mystery hints. When a challenge is complete the people or groups taking part will Hashtag their progress on twitter so it is possible for us to track how well they are doing. Some groups can be given cameras to document their journeys if they are up for it. We tried possible themes, whilst trying to avoid cliché ones. We came up with Sherlock Holmes or Agatha Christie. Of course this would all be free to take part in as too encourage large families and students to take part, this could also help first year students get out and about, helping them get used to their new surrounds as well as possibly learn more about Farnham (without knowing).

Then after more talking our idea evolved again, this time aiming at just students and to be completed within a month (before deadlines) which would lead up to a final prize. Each challenge would be based around struggles or common experiences with being a first year student. Keeping the Hash tags to keep eye on progress and for evidence at the end of the event which will also help with tallying each group’s points to see who has won. Again groups will be given cameras or be able to use their phones to record the events that took place. And this time we'll have posters that will link to a countdown to hopefully intrigued people to into seeing what this mysterious event will be and get them too sign up.

Here are the reference links that we shared to each other for some inspiration:

The Compound (password: RECON) :

Wednesday, 22 October 2014

Skype call 1 (with group)

A couple of days ago our group, consisting of Charlie, Katherine and I, has a Skype meeting to discuss our ideas for this project. Once altogether and talking we started the lengthy process of deciding what we were going to make. Putting our ideas together and developing them further we had the idea to make a small room which contained a little platform for someone to stand on, which had controls (we weren't sure on what kind) and the walls would be were the story adventure would be viewed around the subject in the centre.

The discussion continued, linking each other with different interactive internet adventures for references and to help with the possibilities of interactive technology, such as:

We also added a small idea of a scavenger hunt, nothing big to go on just the brief idea of having a sort of interactive scavenger hunt to do with the history of Farnham which could lead in multiple endings, as this encapsulated all of ideas into a unique way.
Rough bullet points:
  • QR codes
  • Countdown - Mystery
  • Posters - Advertisement
  • Hints/Videos
  • Possible fake QR codes
  • Twitter live feed
  • Possible themes?
  • Held in the SU?

Tuesday, 21 October 2014

Set Design Mood Board

My other job was too create a mood board with all the possible props and decorations for the set we are going to design, this way we have a reference for colours and a rough idea for the props we need to get.
Along with video references:

Mood Board:

Prop List and Budget

One of my roles in the preproduction stage was too write out the prop list and find the budget for the props. Looking through the treatment and the synopsis I picked out all the props and costumes, as well as possible decoration. It's still open for changing around as it's all not set in stone yet.

Prop list and budget

Shitty mattress - Free
Books - Free (get some from Library)
VHS tapes - 3 from charity shops - £1.50 (Nick probably has some but doesn't want them to be ruined)
Boxes - Free (Leanna has some)
Desk - Free (Find a spare table)

Straight jacket - Hagrid 'might' have one, £25 from amazon, £29 from Farnham Costume shop
White Trousers - Free or £15
White Shirt - Free (Leanna has one if they don’t)
Plain shoes - £6

Wallpaper - N/A
Textbook pages - Free (Leanna has one)

Paint:- £25 

Monday, 20 October 2014

Artist studies 2

Cornelia parker

The construction of scrap metal suspended in air, in an empty room with light in the centre, causing what looks like an explosion. The destruction of something captured beautifully in mid air almost like a freeze frame from a film.

Saturday, 18 October 2014

Maps and journey's development 2

Before our meeting with Rosie we sat down together to come up with ideas about what to do with all our projects and how to theme them as well as have a good piece of installation art that includes each aspect of our previous idea. Below are the list of themes that we came across when looking into maps and journeys with hopes of inspiring us.

Friday, 17 October 2014

Final Piece of Sound

After listening too my sound once I had finished splicing the narration and putting it into place, I had decided to try and add more folly sound as the project mostly consisted of atmospheric sounds, such as the howling wind.

Before I added any more sounds, I created a master fader and corrected the volume on the sounds so they weren't going over -10db. After some compressors we bounced the tracks to create the two final pieces, one with narration and one with out.

As recommended I listened to my sound piece and marked all the points that I could add folly sound too.
With the sounds I had already collected I tried to create the sounds I needed, being rippling grass, door opening, some footsteps, someone going down a ladder, someone falling onto floorboards (thud).

Unfortunately I was unable to distort the sounds to a believable degree and didn't have enough time to record anymore sounds. However the final piece is still good but it just needed that little bit more to be better. There are also certain noises that are too loud and I had to compress them so the sound didn't reach over -10db. However I feel that the compressor has effected my sound, muffled/distorted it in a way. To me it's quite noticeable but I'm not sure if it's as bad as I think.

Final with Narration

Final Without Narration

Wednesday, 15 October 2014

Auxiliary Tracks

Auxiliary tracks are essentially and extra track to put effects on and be able to control them without effecting the original track and being able to distort multiple track at one time, in the same way.

Creating a new track and selecting Aux I/O will create a new clean auxiliary track. Selecting inserts, such as reverb, on the auxiliary track will keep your other tracks normal till you wish for it to spill into the chosen tracks.

Compressor/Limiter insert is very good for audio with a large range (use subtly).

Third Professional Sound Lesson

We were taught these:

Bassy sounds = Omnidirectional

High sounds = Easy to locate


Saturday, 11 October 2014

Pyscho-Geography Feedback

After presenting my Pyscho-Geography work to the class, Leah gave some feeback on my work that i produced.

She suggested presenting the album of images in a different way that's more a efficient/eye pleasing when presenting it. Like a presentation slideshow or video slideshow with a narration of my journey. However, after looking around on blogger to try and improve the presentation of my work, I found a gadget for slideshows. Sadly, I couldn't get it to work so I kept it the same way it is.

She also suggested not to put landscape images into the presentation, meaning my one panorama image. However, being a landscape photographer I prefer to shot landscape images which is why they are in the this project. Overall, Leah really liked my work and thought I had grasped the concept of Pyscho-Geography.

Friday, 10 October 2014


Our task was to pick a path never walked before and document every new experience or something that people would normally ignore. I decided to choose a road I've been driven down a lot, but never walked and doing so I noticed some new things, small and big. 

I also enjoyed the walk itself, as the rain made the clouds dark and but colourful later on in the evening. 

Studio Shoot - Ideas and Roles

Starting off with studio ideas, after a couple of group meetings we have defined the groups idea with all round help and putting smaller ideas together. Eventually we came up with a brief synopsis of what will be happening in the final piece:

We open in a prison cell type room resembling that of a mental asylum. There is a distinct lack of colour in the room everything being grey or the colour is toned down. The décor of the room hints at this being an unforgiving no creative place heavy. There is no sense of personality or flare around the furniture is basic with textbooks and a few old VHS tapes placed around the room. 

You hear a door being opened and the character being thrown into the cell and the door shuts behind them. The character is wearing a straight jacket. You hear a voice stating “you can’t come out come out until you learn to be less creative”

Not liking the cell in the few seconds they have been in there the character brakes out of the straight jacket and begins to peel away at the wallpaper. As they do this they see a glimpse of light coming through the torn paper. It provokes them to break through the wall where they fall into room full of boxes witch are displaying work from digital film and screen arts. The camera pans up and you see the whole thing is just a set to advertise the course.

After our gathering of initial ideas with discussed roles that everyone wanted to take on. Sadly the people who didn't arrive at the meeting didn't get to choose what they wanted but hey, that's life. Once we had all put our names down for selected roles the producer, Laura, assigned tasks to people so we all had a part in completing the preproduction pack. 

11/10/14 - Treatment ( To be done by Laura) DONE
13/10/14 - First draft of script ( To be done by nick )
15/10/14 - final draft of script ( To be done by nick )
17/10/14 - Story boards, shot list and floor plans ( To be done by chloe
21/10/14 - shooting schedule ( To be done by Kat )
21/10/14 - Prop list and Budget ( to be done by Leanna)
21 /10 / 14 - Risk assessment ( to be done by charlie )
21/10/14 - Set design ( to be done by Leanna)
21/10/14 - call sheet/release forms ( to be done by Laura )
22/10/14 - All pre production work from all members emailed to me so i can print it out and put it in a folder
23/10/14 - Pre production pack handed into Rosie for shoot approval

Thursday, 9 October 2014

Maps and Journey Idea Development 1

Charlie approached Kat and I after our lecture with Kathleen asking to combine all three of our ideas.
Katherine's idea being the butterfly effect (Katherine's blog post) and Charlie's being the 5 senses.

Thinking of ways too combine our idea's we came up with my idea, journey through a landscape, as the base of the idea. Then have Kat's and Charlie's incorporated into it along the way:
Examples being the smell of the environment the audience is viewing and then being able to choose the next path/journey/environment to explore.

Tuesday, 7 October 2014


After recording my narration for my project and listening to the sounds I have collected, Harry (the tutor) decided that I should find some narration that fits my sounds. 

With some help from Charlie, she suggested Wizard of Oz.

So this is now my new narration. 

[From the far north they heard a low wail of the wind, and Uncle Henry and Dorothy could see where the long grass bowed in waves before the coming storm. There now came a sharp whistling in the air from the south, and as they turned their eyes that way they saw ripples in the grass coming from that direction also.
Suddenly Uncle Henry stood up.
"There's a cyclone coming, Em," he called to his wife. "I'll go look after the stock." Then he ran toward the sheds where the cows and horses were kept.
Aunt Em dropped her work and came to the door. One glance told her of the danger close at hand.
"Quick, Dorothy!" she screamed. "Run for the cellar!"
Toto jumped out of Dorothy's arms and hid under the bed, and the girl started to get him. Aunt Em, badly frightened, threw open the trap door in the floor and climbed down the ladder into the small, dark hole. Dorothy caught Toto at last and started to follow her aunt. When she was halfway across the room there came a great shriek from the wind, and the house shook so hard that she lost her footing and sat down suddenly upon the floor.
Then a strange thing happened.
The house whirled around two or three times and rose slowly through the air.] 

Protools Notes

When creating a new session in the ProTools select these settings:

Audio file type: BWF (.WAV)

Sample Rate: 48kHz

Bit Depth: 16 bit

I/O setting: Stereo mix

tick Interleaved 


Wednesday recording Session

On Wednesday 1st October I used the recording booth with my friends to record our narration put of the project.

Monday, 6 October 2014

Artist Studies

This post contains some of the artists that help inspire my project development and ideas. Looking into artists who relate to the project topic and then use their work to for development.

Chris Welsby

Using nature as a main feature of his work really drew me into his art. Nature being one of my interests I looked to his art as an inspiration for my idea.

Richard Long

A lot like Chris, Richard uses nature as a theme. Forming angled rocks and other forms of land, in certain patterns and shapes, making strangely satisfying shapes out of jagged rocks. 

Mariele Neudecker

Enclosing landscapes in glass boxes full of liquid, jagged mountains with fog covered bases, lit brightly with cold blue lights. Loving the colours and lighting theme of her art work as well as the interest of how she made them made me come to love her work. Leah also showed us a few pieces of her work, one being a Winterreise (2003) where she feels a boat journey round a specific latitude in the north sea, played along side an opera telling a story. I loved this piece as it's relaxing to look at and hear, the gentle music and steady motion of the boat made it feel like meditating. I wanted to take some of those aspects, being relaxing and soothing to enjoy, as sort of calming zone. 

Tacita Dean

The distortion of this image is simple but intriguing, unable to see the background and location it's in and then the look of the tree itself, black and white, withered, dying. Yet I think it looks beautiful and mysterious, making me want to know where this is. 

Jane and Louise Wilson 

These artist take some stunning photos of abandoned places such as the waste land that used to be Chernobyl and many other places that our run down and falling apart. Capturing the difference in how things look even after not being interacted with for so long. 

Susan Hiller

The lights she uses in her works are surprisingly hypnotic and warm too me. Also another one of her pieces, Witness, features a room filled with hundreds of hanging speakers in a low lit room. The speakers retelling stories of peoples extraterrestrial encounters.

Boyle Family

Recreating a small plot of land using a cast and then using a type of the material to remodel that piece of land so they can hang it on the wall.

Pippiloti Rist

After seeing her work (shown in image above) I got the inspiration of how to present my maps and journeys work as an installation piece. But instead of using only 2 walls I'd try to use all walls if possible.

Ben Young

Using slivers of glass glued next together in an intricate design that forms a landscape or object. I personally love this art as the craftsmanship and attention to detail is amazing, and then to create such beautiful pieces of work in that soft turquoise. 

Sunday, 5 October 2014

Dr Yuwei Lin - Cultural Geography and Mapping

What are maps:
    -Technical Instruments
    -Political statements
    -Religious statements
    -Art works
    -Cultural products
    -Memory and emotions
Paintings = memory maps

Friday, 3 October 2014

Songs for Sound project

Reading through my pieces of text, it refers to multiple songs that are playing in the background of the party.

Book Clippings

The Book I'm using is Bioshock: Rapture page 389, which describes a New Year's eve in 1958 in an underwater city when an ambush makes their way in to destroy the party. 

Sound Notes 1

Sound workshop

Radio plays:

-War of the Worlds (1938)
-BBC Radiophonic Workshop (1978)
     - Hitch-hikers guide to the galaxy
-The Truth Podcast - interns
     -There made of meat (2014)


Sound Assignment

-Pick a short 30s - 1min piece of text
-Create a soundscape to the chosen text and use
     -reverb, cutting, pitch shift, reverse, distortion only
- We will play the back in the class to Discuss
     -mood, pace, location...