Friday, 17 October 2014

Final Piece of Sound

After listening too my sound once I had finished splicing the narration and putting it into place, I had decided to try and add more folly sound as the project mostly consisted of atmospheric sounds, such as the howling wind.

Before I added any more sounds, I created a master fader and corrected the volume on the sounds so they weren't going over -10db. After some compressors we bounced the tracks to create the two final pieces, one with narration and one with out.

As recommended I listened to my sound piece and marked all the points that I could add folly sound too.
With the sounds I had already collected I tried to create the sounds I needed, being rippling grass, door opening, some footsteps, someone going down a ladder, someone falling onto floorboards (thud).

Unfortunately I was unable to distort the sounds to a believable degree and didn't have enough time to record anymore sounds. However the final piece is still good but it just needed that little bit more to be better. There are also certain noises that are too loud and I had to compress them so the sound didn't reach over -10db. However I feel that the compressor has effected my sound, muffled/distorted it in a way. To me it's quite noticeable but I'm not sure if it's as bad as I think.

Final with Narration

Final Without Narration

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