Sunday 27 September 2015


I feel that with this piece I don't have a specific audience as I want it to reach out to people who have experienced the same thing, so they can project their emotions and feelings onto it and relate. I want people who are suffering to realise they aren't alone, and I want people who have never experienced mental health issues that this is an interputation and may help them understand how it feels and maybe bring more awareness to it.

Since I've experienced mental health problems I can hopefully create something that will bring more of a positive awareness to a gray area. Specially to people who are unsure about how it may feel and are unsure about it they can gather some knowledge or understanding of what it's like and maybe react better to someone with mental health problems.

In my other post about Mental health I talk about mental health art in general and how it relates to my work in certain or specific ways. These aspects of the specific art bares truth to how one may feel in that state of mind, and can bring connection closer to understanding or may help slightly diagnose.

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