Thursday, 27 February 2014

Experimental Sound!

For my experimental sound project I have been given an image, which I had no input in choosing, in which I have to sound to. 

Now that sound can be in the form of a journey, a passage of time, a narrative theme or the place. 

I have been given Tracey Emins, My Bed (1998) as shown below.

There has been a lot of thinking around this and at how/what I'm do. 

Maybe I could combine them all together. Somehow mange to tell a story or the life of someone as I describe the place they are located in, the bed. 

Of course these are just some rough ideas which I hope I can piece together well. 

Monday, 24 February 2014

Photography Ideas!

Remembering Places
Going back to places or landscapes that I remember from my childhood, yet are too fuzzy to really remember every little detail.
Have the photos blurred too to recreate my memory failing to capture everything.

Burning photographs
burn peoples faces of things out of the photograph
capture the decay of memory, physically and mentally
Faded memories/shattered memories: burnt photos

Putting myself into child hood photos
I say myself when I can use other family members to give the series variety
Gather some old pictures, either with one person or multiple already in it, then place the same people in that photo but their present day selves.

Film me making a collage out of my old school pieces  <- different peoples(friends) school work being made into collages (look into collages of previous works or photographs)
then photography it

Recreate old childhood photographs
just something funny to do.

Chino Otsuka 2

Looking through more of Chino's work I saw a series called Memoryscape. I really like this piece of work as it fits well with my current theme of memory, the decay, as well as fitting in with my favourite side of photography, landscape.

I truly love how she's taken images of beautiful places which she's been to before but taken the images out of focus.

Really showing the message of trying to remember somewhere from memory. It's not perfect it's blurred and isn't as detailed as the actual thing.

Chino Otsuka

When scrolling around on tumblr I came across these series of photographs bChino Otsuka. In her photos she has taken old holiday photos of her when she was younger and placed her present self into those images.

Looking through her work I've noticed a lot of memory or family based photography. I shall be keeping an eye on her to see if any new stuff appears or if I'm in need of inspiration.

Monday, 17 February 2014

Memory Treatment!

My Treatment

Trying to think of a topic for memory without going to very cliche subjects was hard. Though this idea does seem very cliche the message behind is quite different and the view or take on it is quite different.

Using home footage of my own family, I look to create a warm and personal piece. Essentially inviting you to a chat with my family about the good old memories. 

Clipping together old footage and even some photographs to expand on the media side, also give some variation story wise. Then over the top of the footage will be a voice over or more specifically a conversation between family members, trying to piece together the memory from what they can, without seeing the images/footage.

Of course this does seem very personal to me however you do not have to see it that way. Think of it as a interview or documentary. 

The message behind it is that both physical recordings of memories and memories themselves get very distorted and broken over time. However through communication from people who were there, can piece together a more accurate image from scratch. 

The objective is not to make you feel nostalgic as it's not your family or memories, you are meant be seeing this from an outsiders point of view. It's getting you to think about you're own family memories or how you go through photo albums with family members too. 

For this I will be in need of someone who has a interest in sound. Be it editing or technician, there is a lot riding on the sound aspect of this project. 

We will need to look into microphones and the best way to catch the conversation, be it individually miked up or a set microphone in the centre of the room. 

Then of course I need producers and editors. I need someone more organised than myself and someone who can piece this all together to a polished piece. Of course I shall be guiding you as director.

The fact the footage is already shot makes the task a little easier, however there's possibly the case of getting old VHS tapes concerted into a digital format for editing. Which just leaves the sound recording, which shouldn't take more then a couple of days.

Previous Memory Ideas!


Daydreaming whilst listening to music an it brings old memories back, be it anything or just a good feeling, or it brings new thoughts such as ideas 
Music that brings emotions, e.g. joy, sadness, anger  
Collect different songs from different songs from different people.
Shoot locations or areas that a subject might look at to encourage this dream state. Have music that changes throughout the piece, the music brings back memories, either good or bad

Pre-pitch development 2!

I developed my idea in my pre-pitch and we developed and pretty much changed the idea completely. 
We are taking home footage and photos of my family. The idea is to search through them and find interesting, possibly funny, warming footage of my family. Clipping them together to make it ideal length for the task.

 Then my plan is too go and gather my family members in a room and get them to tell me about the specific memories I have picked without letting them see or be reminded. Of course a microphone is needed for recording them and a lot of sound editing to get rid of all the thinking time.

There maybe some technical issues with the amount of people in one room and getting VHS tape footage into a digital, editable format.

The message behind this one is that video footage, over time, will become distorted a lot like our memories. With family input the memories can be rebuilt from scratch, even if it is a bit choppy.

Memory Ideas!

I know these are late, but I don't have a scanner and had to locate one for this work to be put up here, luckily I did it!

Time Ideas!

I know these are late, but I don't have a scanner and had to locate one for this work to be put up here, luckily I did it!

Sunday, 16 February 2014

Pre-pitch Development!

Development of my previous idea is to keep the memory abstract and hard to make out. Also instead of playing around with hard to reconstruct footage just keep it simple, like home footage that one person might remember. 

Still debating on whether to use 2 screens to show the correct footage and then the distorted version next to it or keep it all on one screen somehow. 

The message now is that over time memories will become distorted, the brains quality in remembering will decrease. Also the importances of living in the moment and record happy times in others ways (e.g. photos)then trying to remember them. 

First Pre-pitch!

Dream Recording

My idea is to take this fact based technology and apply it into my idea to recreate the look of a memory.

The things I'll be recreating is the truth behind Historical events, such as the death of JFK, 9/11, etc.
The list of conspiracies behind those events are large and the fact that media can be very easy manipulated. So I would show the image of the historical event next to footage the 'Memory' of what 'Actually' happened.

Recreating the 'memories' look in after effects.

More research into this technology.

Friday, 14 February 2014

Time Treatment!

My Time Project Treatment

Already loving photography of old abandoned places because of there creepy feel. There's a feeling of fear around them, yet the emptiness sort of brings a new view of life to it.
Pulling me towards them, encouraging me to explore and learn the true story behind this now crumbling structure. 
I know, text book start of a horror movie right there. 

Just seeing these places which were one beautiful and full of people rooming around sort of makes me sad in a way. And the fact that the abandonment isn't just with small houses but institutes, business even towns or cities.

I've even looked around to see why I'm pulled to abandoned places, then I remember how much I love ancient ruins. The Colosseum, Machu Picchu, The Great Pyramids, etc. I love them because of the history that comes with them. Things I wasn't alive for or just didn't see.
It must mean something about mu personality. I know I am a very nostalgic person for events in my life, but abandoned places that mean nothing to me also intrigue me and me feel anxious, excited and nostalgic.

My idea for this project came not only from just messing around on Tumblr but then looking into Jeremy Marshall who photographs urban abandoned places.

This image really gave me the back of my idea. The Mix of old and new in one frame. Of course this being a still image I turned it into a moving image.

 3 old abandoned buildings with most of the structure still standing, one on each screen. Looping from there current crumbling state, to there older built version. Of course I will not be choosing random places to put of screen. I shall be looking into the history of these places to see if they deserve to be remembered. Why they closed down, what they did in the past, any scandalous information about the place, etc.

 The one minute loop will be of them fade or forming into the old form and then reforming back into the old broken down building.

I believe the message I'm trying to portray is that over time things decay, even buildings that might were of great importance and even though now it looks intimidating, we should remember things in there prime and listen to the story that they tell rather then flee at the sight of them. 

More work from inspiring artists:

My second favourite:

Detroit School

Grossinger's Catskill Resort Hotel

Abandoned Dungeness

Treatment Part 2

My Chilean Miner Reenactment

Warning! This is not a serious thing, if you take it seriously I will be forced to slap some sense into you!

Wednesday, 12 February 2014

Monday 20th!

Monday 20th research

photography process:


william henry fox talbot (1844)

louis daguerre (1848)

the planning and process (chemicals and equipment) was a lot longer and needed to be thought out thoroughly 

photography was used for research in science, police investigations, passports and pornographic images, newspapers, rather than a everyday thing that the common man has.

major events that no one in this generation has seen but because of photographic evidence we can experience 

august sanders = portraits (labels) 

time and life magazine 40s

dead vietnam soldier <- describe my feelings toward it compared to someone not familiar with the photography aspect 

penny slinger<- an exorcism

cindy sherman

roland barthes - camera lucida <- read
memory triggers <- smells, look, feel

talk about “artistic” short films and photography (weird, not liked)

susan sontag - on photography (1979)

katherine keenan 

john berger- ways of remembering

ideas: Retrieve images from home that are of me or my family when im younger 

retrieve video from nan of home/family footage
work out later what to do with them 

sophie calle

look at digital memory 

calum colvin

doug hall <- relate to security cameras or google earth 

matthias wahner 

Memory Mind Map

This mind map is from the thought of Time and what it spreads itself too. Of course I have possibly missed out some things, however this is what I got.

Sunday, 9 February 2014

Chilean Miners Reenactment!

5th August 2010, 33 men were trapped 2,297ft underground in the San Jose mine in 
Copiapo, Chile. Stuck so far underground for 69 days the temperature and humidity of the mine was intense and caused a lot of worry for the health of the miners, as well as lack of food and water.

Interview with miners!

Thursday, 6 February 2014

Creative Writing!

Task: randomly pick a page from a newspaper and place my finger down anywhere. Then whatever word my finger landed on, I had to write down the 3 words in front and after the one I'm on. After that I have to write a story following that sentence.

My Weird Newspaper Story:

Despite previously suggesting she would receive £1.6million, Anne refuses to play extreme truth or dare with her friends. Bill tries to persuade her to take the risk for her family and how she could finally live a happy life without the worry of money on her mind. Yet she continues to not answer the simple question; "Who is your celebrity crush?"

Time Mind map!

This mind map is from the thought of Time and what it spreads itself too. Of course I have possibly missed out some things, however this is what I got.

Time Ideas No.1 Development!

In addition to my first time idea, I could fade out the busy rush to a quieter time of the night. This shows how once everyone has left work and gone home to sleep it's a different world outside. This happens every night at the same time! Just empty because of the hours people need to be up the next day. CLOCKWORK!

Personal Experience: Im used to walking home and walking along side the road at around 6 in the evening, it'd quite blinding due too all the cars coming my way, however! The other day I went home at a later time, being 12am, and the difference in cars on the road was unbelievable for just how busy it normally is. I could, and did, walk down the middle of the road with only 1 or 2 cars coming along every 5 mins. And just how quiet it was, was just lovely! 

That's my new thought on this idea.