Wednesday, 12 February 2014

Monday 20th!

Monday 20th research

photography process:


william henry fox talbot (1844)

louis daguerre (1848)

the planning and process (chemicals and equipment) was a lot longer and needed to be thought out thoroughly 

photography was used for research in science, police investigations, passports and pornographic images, newspapers, rather than a everyday thing that the common man has.

major events that no one in this generation has seen but because of photographic evidence we can experience 

august sanders = portraits (labels) 

time and life magazine 40s

dead vietnam soldier <- describe my feelings toward it compared to someone not familiar with the photography aspect 

penny slinger<- an exorcism

cindy sherman

roland barthes - camera lucida <- read
memory triggers <- smells, look, feel

talk about “artistic” short films and photography (weird, not liked)

susan sontag - on photography (1979)

katherine keenan 

john berger- ways of remembering

ideas: Retrieve images from home that are of me or my family when im younger 

retrieve video from nan of home/family footage
work out later what to do with them 

sophie calle

look at digital memory 

calum colvin

doug hall <- relate to security cameras or google earth 

matthias wahner 

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