Finally the day of assessment was upon me, and the preparation had to be done, so I got the equipment I needed, projector and plinths, and organised sharing a room with Julia and Josh as we needed the room for our projects.
So the day before, we gathered are projects and started to set them up in the room, first off it was trying to find the placement of all our projects and trying to find the best way to lay it out.
We finally found our places in the room and set up, so now I had to position the projection so it was focused on the sculptures and not the wall and keep them in frame.
Over night I tried to convert my laptop, with the help of my dad, so it could run Windows for me to use a program, However we struggled to do that and had to look for another program which I then had to learn over night, which wasn't the best idea, but I tried my best.
So the morning of assessment I came in early to set up and make sure everything was alright and started to use this new program. It seemed easy enough until the textures I made were too big and not showing the whole image.
So I had the idea to go back and re-size all of the texture images to see if that would change the apperance... Sadly it did not.
After much faffing around with no success I accepted the fact that this was the best I was going to get.
The final look of the projections.
The final look of the textures mapped around the shape of the sculptures.
During assessment. Damn sun!