Thursday, 5 May 2016

Sound Piece Script

In addition to what the sculptures mean I want to have a link towards personality, such as spirit animals, as well as the sculptures represent a subconscious of everyone's mind it's not telling the person what to feel it's giving them an example of what they might feel, what they might say, what they might be thinking. It's not a definite that's what they're feeling but it's more vague and general so it can imprint on anybody. The sculptures are not telling them what to feel and how to feel it showing examples of a physical format of what their subconscious might look like.

Notes: The beast is the combination of both depression and anxiety, however I have made him with claws and sharp antlers to represent a breakdown or state of mind in which an event has caused the individual to be release uncontrollable emotions.

Depression = dark blue

I don’t want to move
I can’t move
I don’t want to leave my bed
My body feels heavy
My limbs feel so heavy
I feel heavy like a bear
I can’t sleep
I can’t get to sleep
I don’t feel like me anymore
I can’t enjoy anything
I feel emotionless
Don’t look at me
Stop looking at me
I don’t want to do anything
I can’t think
I just want to sleep
I can’t control my emotions
I’ve lost control
I can’t stop eating
What’s the point
Why does everything irritate me
I can’t believe I did that
Make it stop
I need silence

Anxiety = orange

Make it stop
Everything is so loud
I need silence
I can’t think straight
I can’t sleep
Why won’t my thoughts shut up
Oh god, I have to so much to do
Don’t sleep through your alarm
I can’t believe I did that
I’m so shaky
I hope no one can tell
Why are people looking at me
Do I look okay
Is there something on my face
Something wrong with my hair
Am I acting abnormal
So many people
Have I forgotten something
I feel like I’ve forgotten something
Just breathe deeply
Don’t panic
Why did I just do that
Im such an idiot
Why am I like this
I hope I don’t mess up
I’m so pathetic
Why does everything irritate me
I feel so petty
I want to be alone
But I need company
I don’t want to go outside
I feel constantly on edge
I feel skittish like a deer
I don’t want to leave my room
My head is spinning
No one likes me

Beast = dark green (mental breakdown)

I can’t control myself!
There’s too much happening!
My head won’t stop spinning!
I can’t control my emotions!
I’m so angry!
I can’t stop crying!
I can’t do this anymore!
Too much sound! I can’t think!
Just get up!
Stop being lazy!
Just do it!
Just leave me alone!
Hate being alone!
Stop being like this!
I just want silence!
I need my space!

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