Sadly I couldn't find the photos I documented as we built the sets but the rest I managed to recover.
To start with, we had a workshop with Chris to teach us how to put flats together to build standing walls. We then had a workshop where we stripped the flats of previous wallpaper and guff that was stuck on there so they were ready to be wallpapered. And the workshop with Jim showed us how use the heavy tools for sawing small and big pieces of wood, sanding properly and safely in case we needed the tools for building.
Panorama of the workshop
What we made in the workshop tutorial
Laura in her beautiful jacket
We all had another tutorial with Chris, who showed us how to use the dolly that lifts the camera up a couple of feet.
No idea why I have a blurry picture of Kat's face
Practice with the camera
Group discussion group
After the tutorial our group (group B) continued to wallpaper and make bricks for our breakable wall. We also painted the bricks red after covering them in clay and roughed them up a little be so they look aged.
The finished look of the brick wall before we wallpapered over it for filming. You can also see the wallpapered wall which was wallpapered with flat white paper then covered in book pages which circled around the hole.
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