Sunday, 27 April 2014


To start off with I didn't really feel enthusiastic about this project as it was hard to leave my previous film idea, however once the project started to get it's feet I started feel for it a bit more and I got into the swing of things. Leaving the planning and such to Hannah and Laura as it was their ideas, but I happily pulled my weight with filming/directing and colouring, two things I haven't done before. 

There were some things that would have been better off changing such as location for filming, however we did not have those resources at the time so we had to stick with what we had and tried to work our way around it. There is also the situation of the layout of each screen. Obviously it has been sorted to be clearer and softer on the eyes, however, before the change the screen slowly filled up with more mess and became a jumble of screens being played at the same time. Now, it's changed to only two films playing next to each other at a time instead of altogether. 

With sound, each director is commentating their film. Of course not over each other, when someones film plays only their voice will be heard, same with the other two films.
Preferably I wouldn't have wanted sound, I'd want to have the song from the original clip playing and leave the rest to the eyes to spot each difference as the piece loops. That would seem more like a gallery piece. Just having the music was going to be our original idea, then it changed to having it in the background with commentary, but we thought that might have been too much for the audience and kept the music out of it. 

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