Sunday 27 September 2015

My Experience

I could of put this in any other of my posts but I felt as if I need to give this one it's own. 

I have choosen this specific song for this project due to a moving movement I had whilst listening to the song during my period of depression. Now I must admit that my depression was not severe as it could have been, but depression is depression and should all be seen the same way not matter severe. Anyway, after class I was leaving campus and walked down a small pathway that was covered with a thin layer of trees shading me from the  sunlight, it felt almost disney like, a gentle breeze sweeped through as I listened to the song.
Now it doesn't seem all that important, put for the small amount of time I was in this moment moved me to point of tears as I felt as if I was back home. This was a major thing to me back then as I had been missing the endless fields and peaceful nature, on top of that due to my mother moving to another place I wouldn't be able to experience it again and this moment brought to a normal state of mind, everything was back to normal for a second. 
This is the reason I picked the song, and the idea quickly flowed from the song. Looking at the lyrics they don't seem to fit the situation of mental health but in some ways it can which is why the idea came to me. And I want to share that cheerished moment with, even if its not in the same way I experienced it, everyone and give people who are suffering a little piece of hope. 
To this day I am still suffering from anxiety which can be an issue at times but I mostly bite the bullet and continue on with my life. 
Apologise for the soopy post but I felt I needed to explain the true explanation for this project. 

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